Monday, February 26, 2007

Can't Remember S#%!

It is funny how just prior to waking up a dream can be crystal clear. I find myself even fighting to stay asleep just so i can finish a dream. But, after the morning shower...I FORGOT IT! I have to figure out how remember them better; at least until i can get to the blog. So I will list the only thing that I can remember.

I was on the shore of a lake, at night. There were bon fires, people standing around, and one group laughing at me. I was fishing. So I tried to cast my poll, when I did that the line spooled up and my lure crashed into the water. However something kept going out the poll and I watched it land on a boat. Now the people on the shore only seen the lure hit the water in front of me, so while they were laughing while I reeled in a boat. Once I got the boat in, they all got quite and i said "ha, at least i caught a boat".

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Work Must Be Getting To Me

Well the dream started out like most do. I found myself dreaming about how to fix a piece of code at work. Worked out a few solutions, luckily they were pretty easy to remember. Once that was done, things became a little foggy. What seemed clear while i was dreaming, is not as clear now that i am trying to remember it, so i will make my best attempt. There was street in a suburb. And every house had people in front of it. Families bar-b-que'n, kids playing. All the kids had arm floaties and inter tubes, but no pools anywhere. All the kids were then telling me that I had to fix the software and make the project work better. They were referring to the same problem that i was working out in my head earlier. I was going house to house showing them it worked, but then i would ask them how to fix it. Thats about all I can recall

Dream To Get Things Going

This is a dream from a couple weeks ago, but we need to get things started.

I found myself in a warehouse, not to sure why i was there. I was following this old guy around, walking from room to room. For some reason I said, "i love helicopters". He walked me into another room and.. POOF!! I was inside of a helicopter. But i did not enjoy this, i was very worried about the blades of the helicopter hitting the walls of the warehouse. The guy did not listen to me and just started flying it. We were flying through the warehouse, the nose of the helicopter kept hitting cardboard boxes on shelves. I was worried about the blades but could not help but notice there were no blades. Now I was very confused on how we were flying and more worried. Then we flew out of a garage door and decided to go on a flight. I was almost yelling at him saying "there are no blades on this helicopter, we cannot fly" He took off anyway and we flew right through power lines. But nothing happened.