Wednesday, March 21, 2007

i felt wierd after this one

I was up-north at my grandma's cottage prior to the new addition (like when I was 5 but was today's age in the dream). I was sleeping in the bed and a group of people came and woke me up. They wanted me to go to Puerto Rico to help build some houses. I said, "ya right", then went back to sleep. When I woke up I had a change of heart and decided to go, so I called one of the people and said I would meet them at the airport. On the way to the airport, I ran into Harrison Ford (probably because I watched the fugitive a few days ago), he said come on were going to, so I road with him and his friend to the airport. When I got to the airport, the airplane was already leaving the gate, but the lady at the gate flagged me in. So I jumped over the metal detectors and ran in the plane. Next thing I remember is I am in Puerto Rico, with all my friends and Harrison Ford and his friend. I got there and it was raining, the house we were at was a crap hole. So all of us decided to go into town. Town was scary, I kept getting worried that my wife would get hurt with all the strange people in town. So we left right away. While walking back, there was this strong wind and if you flapped your hands you could fly. So I did just that and i was flapping above all my friends, my wife was screaming at me to get down. Just then a police officer blew a whistle and said "no flying, get down". So I landed and just kept walking back to the house, I remember getting back, but thats about it.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I found myself at work again, however work was not the same. The building was a huge warehouse with empty shelves about 12 feet high. It kinda reminded me of the warehouse of a former employer. There was a long table in the middle where there was a large empty space. Everyone was working on a project. While working there I decided that I was very hungry, so I walked behind one of the empty shelves. On the back side of one of the shelves, was a bunch of wrapped sandwiches. They looked just like the sandwiches that baker college sells in there cafeteria. Now I was looking at the wrapped sandwiches and reached and grabbed one. I could not actually see myself grabbing the sandwich, but i reached and brought it up to face level. Now I was looking at half of a sandwich (diagonal cut) and not wrapped. It was an egg salad sandwich. While picking it up i flung egg salad everywhere and and then took a bite. I said, "ummmmmm" and walked back to the table. The next thing I remember was smoking a cigar with my boss next to the table.

Thats about all I can remember. So the next day, myself and another co-worker went and got egg salad sandwiches. Just as good as the dream. :-)